Sunday, 5 April 2020

WOW...its been how long!?

Oh my it has been such a long time since I updated everyone here.

To say the last few years has been hectic is an understatement. 

I finally finished my accounting and Finance degree with a 2:2. I'm officially a partly qualified accountant. 🎉🎉🎉

In amongst all of this, my father in law had to move in with us in Feb 2019 as he was too unwell to look after himself, sadly he passed in June 2019. We are all thankful that he could spend his last few months with family just how he wanted.

I am also running 2 online businesses, Universal Gold and Thriftiness. This takes up a lot of my time lately as I've been building the websites from the ground up. The Thriftiness website is finished but I'm still working on the Universal Gold website. 

We also bought our first home in December 2019 so have been getting settled and sorted in the new place. It's so nice being able to look at any room in the house and know we can do whatever we want to it without needing permission. 

And now finally, we have the lock down. On the one hand it is very awkward knowing we can't just pop to the shops for random bits, but on the other hand it has given us lots of time on our hands to get things done in the garden, especially whilst we have this lovely weather. 

This is how the garden looked when we first moved in. It looks a lot different now. 

I've also managed to get some stitching done. You may remember this very very old WIP... 12 days of Christmas. It is starting to come along very nicely.

I hope you are all doing and keeping well and I'm sorry for the long ramble lol. 

Xo Steph