Monday, 16 December 2013

Swirling Peacock Update

Good Afternoon everyone!!

I'm sorry I haven't been around much lately, but we've had lots of germs spreading around us like a wildfire.

Thankfully we all seem to be slightly better, although the kiddies were complaining this morning of upset stomachs and feeling sick....guess what....they've perked right up this afternoon.

I have to admit that I haven't done a great deal of stitching lately as my bug seems to have wandered off on me. I will be picking something up a bit later so I can do some stitches that don't need a huge amount of concentration.

I have completed a little bit more of Swirling Peacock, and here is how he is looking at the moment.

If I don't update before Christmas, I hope you all have a very merry christmas and that you get all you want and wish from Santa.

Until next time


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