Sunday 5 April 2020

WOW...its been how long!?

Oh my it has been such a long time since I updated everyone here.

To say the last few years has been hectic is an understatement. 

I finally finished my accounting and Finance degree with a 2:2. I'm officially a partly qualified accountant. πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

In amongst all of this, my father in law had to move in with us in Feb 2019 as he was too unwell to look after himself, sadly he passed in June 2019. We are all thankful that he could spend his last few months with family just how he wanted.

I am also running 2 online businesses, Universal Gold and Thriftiness. This takes up a lot of my time lately as I've been building the websites from the ground up. The Thriftiness website is finished but I'm still working on the Universal Gold website. 

We also bought our first home in December 2019 so have been getting settled and sorted in the new place. It's so nice being able to look at any room in the house and know we can do whatever we want to it without needing permission. 

And now finally, we have the lock down. On the one hand it is very awkward knowing we can't just pop to the shops for random bits, but on the other hand it has given us lots of time on our hands to get things done in the garden, especially whilst we have this lovely weather. 

This is how the garden looked when we first moved in. It looks a lot different now. 

I've also managed to get some stitching done. You may remember this very very old WIP... 12 days of Christmas. It is starting to come along very nicely.

I hope you are all doing and keeping well and I'm sorry for the long ramble lol. 

Xo Steph 

Monday 9 May 2016

Hello to everyone who is still following me

Good Evening to everyone who is still around following me. 

It has been a very long time since I've made any updates whatsoever on this blog and for good reason. The course I started back in September 2015 has quite simply taken over my life LOL. 

I've not managed much if any stitching at all since that time. 

I'm currently mid way through my exams, only 2 left (law and finance) and then I'm on break until I start again in September!! 

Boy am I looking forward to having this break. 

I am looking forward to being able to pick up my stitching again once I've finished the exams, and I hope to make some good progress on my WIP's. 

Until after the exams


Tuesday 6 October 2015

Hello everyone!!

Good Morning all!!

I am still around, but not much stitching has been done at all over the last few months, and now that I am studying full time, I doubt I'm going to be doing much at all for a good while longer.

This course is rather fun, but very technical and so have to get a grasp on all the different subjects.

Hopefully I will get some stitching done in between, even if it is only on small items.

Until next time

Wednesday 22 July 2015

Wow! Over a month since I last posted!! (Lots of pics)

Good Evening to you all!!

I cannot believe it has been over a month since I last posted on here, and I'm sad to say, since I've got any serious stitching done!!

We have been rather busy though with hubby doing his final exams and then getting things sorted for graduation, etc.

As you probably know from previous posts, hubby was in the process of studying for his law degree. Well, in May he took all his exams and received his results 2 days before his birthday in June. He achieved his dream of getting an LLB in Law with First Class Honours!!

I cannot express how absolutely thrilled I am for him, he has been studying/reading law since before we got together 10 years ago!

Last week was the graduation ceremony, and oh boy was it a long day. The smallest bug stayed at Grandad's house for the day (he couldn't travel to the graduation due to age/health) so he volunteered to look after the little one with his neighbour.

The graduation ceremony was due to start at 4pm, so we arrived 2 hours early to collect the cap and gown and so that I could snap a few pics.

As his dad couldn't make the graduation ceremony, but wanted to have pics with hubby in his gown, we decided to have a photo shoot at his house. Here are some pics from them (to note: I did not wear this particular dress on the day - it was currently drying when we did these photo's)

Needless to say, it has been a very exciting month or so and my plans tonight are to get some stitching in whilst hubby is out fishing. Fingers crossed my little bug lets me do that haha.

Until next time

Monday 1 June 2015

Good Morning and an almost page finish

Good Morning everyone!!

Today marks the first day back to school after half term, I can't believe how fast time is going this year. It won't be long and we will be on the big summer holidays and then my son starts junior school, and I start University!!

Don't you just wish that time would just slow down sometimes?!

Anyhoo's...I have almost got a page finish with SK Home Is Where The Magic Is, I literally have about 10 stitches left haha.

Here is how it is looking right now:

Unfortunately, all those 10 stitches are different colours lol.

With a bit of luck, I will get those few stitches complete and I can then start the next page :)

In other news, I finally found some matting sheets perfect for my fairies (when they are all completed). I bought 4 sets of double mats, the outer sheet is cream, whilst the inside is gold. I think it will set them all off perfectly :)

Until next time